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Strategic analysis

Strategic analysis

Instructions: Strategic Analysis
You are required to perform a strategic analysis on ONE of six given organisations. Each organisation is facing strategic issues that impact upon its competitive advantage, performance, and/or long term survival. Information on these organisations, and some of the strategic issues they each face can be found in the ‘Assessment Guidance’ area on Blackboard (MOLE).
In your report, you should clearly identify your chosen organisation and analyse in-depth its strategic situation, making use of strategic management concepts, theories and frameworks (e.g. PESTEL, Porter’s five forces framework, the VRIO framework, the Mitchell et al (1997) framework for stakeholder mapping and salience, concepts and frameworks of business and corporate level strategy). Conclude your report by identifying what you think is the most important strategic issue or issues facing the chosen organisation.
You are NOT expected to use all strategic management theories, concepts and frameworks introduced in the lectures and reading, only those relevant to your chosen organisation and its specific situation. You can draw upon theory and concepts from other modules if correctly referenced and relevant. However, the lens through which you analyse your organisation should be one of strategic management.
You should NOT collect primary data for this assignment. The material provided in the ‘Assessment Guidance’ area on MOLE should be supplemented with your own research. Support your analysis with evidence, and reference to both academic and credible practitioner sources e.g. the Financial Times, the Economist etc.
You must reference your work correctly using the Harvard system. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of marks and possible proceedings under the University’s Regulations as to the Use of Unfair Means.
Support with referencing and use of the Harvard system is available via the University library:

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