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MAN00001I BP 2021 Reflective Essay

MAN00001I BP 2021 Reflective Essay

Assignment: Individual reflective essay

The individual assignment is a reflective essay, drawing on your experience as a member of your business planning team.

Critically reflect on your role in the development of your team using relevant academic theories which could, for example, include theories around leadership, group dynamics and/or team roles, to explain your experience.

If you have taken part in the York Strengths programme you may choose to build on this by considering how you have developed in the area of the nine York Strengths through your experience within the team, incorporating this into your reflection.

Additional Instructions

● Do not name individual members of the group, you should instead anonymise their identities (e.g. ‘Team Member A and Team Member B’ rather than ‘Jon and Jill’).

● You should underpin your essay with appropriate concepts and theory from the module.

● Where relevant you may make specific reference to your own notes, learning journal / project log and business planning documents to support and illustrate your points. Tables, figures and appendices may be used as long as they are referred to and contribute to points made in the essay.

● Include a reference list using Harvard referencing style, consistent with University guidelines.

Instructions for the submission of work

● Electronic submission only, via the VLE, to the specified deadlines.

● Each member of the team will independently write and submit their own work for the Individual Assessment.

Word count requirements

The word count for this assignment is 2,000 words.

You must state on the front of your assignment the number of words used and this will be checked.

The main text for this assignment must be word-processed in Arial, font 12, double spacing, minimum 2cm margins all around.

You must observe the word count specified in this assignment brief. The School has a policy of accepting variations to the recommended word count of plus or minus 10%.

What does this mean for you?

Markers will mark your work up to the word count maximum plus 10% and then will stop marking; therefore all words which are in excess of the word count plus 10% will not be marked.

Where your word count is more than 10% below that specified, it is likely that this will result in a lack of analytical depth or relevant content, which will be reflected in the mark assigned.

What is in the word count?

The word count includes:

– the main text, including in-text reference citations and quotations.

The word count does not include:

– Appendices. These may be used to include supporting data, which may be too detailed or complex to include as a Table. They are not a device to incorporate material, which would otherwise cause you to exceed the word limit.

– Title page
– Contents page
– Abstract/executive summary
– Tables, figures, legends
– Reference lists
– Acknowledgements

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