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Indiana University Bloomington Risk Factors of Behavior Assignment

Indiana University Bloomington Risk Factors of Behavior Assignment

Indiana University Bloomington Risk Factors of Behavior Assignment
Review Project IDEAL Online Classroom Management webpage From the website be sure to also review Positive Reinforcement, Involving Parents, and Consequences. Beyond these resources you are encouraged to continue looking through the additional resources within this website. 2 to 3 pages in length not including title page and refrence page. APA style
Must have 2 peer reviewed, scholarly sources other than one above provided. One of the most important aspects of your role as an educator will be to effectively address challenging behaviors that occur in your classroom. Klass, Guskin, and Thomas (1995) and McCabe and Frede (2007) define challenging behavior as “a pattern of behavior that interferes with a child’s cognitive, social, or emotional development.” As teachers it can be difficult to address challenging behaviors in the classroom. This assignment is your opportunity to understand the risk factors of why challenging behaviors occur and create strategies on how to address these behaviors. Read scenario about Jose and consider the questions “Why are some children more challenging than others?
Scenario on Jose: Jose is 2 years old, boy in a classroom of 15 children. Jose comes from a two-parent household. Both parents work full time and Jose mom is pregnant with her second child. Jose has been described as having low language skills and is often seen hitting his peers during free play times. He has trouble sitting at circle time and receives constant redirects to stay in his chair during classroom activity. Address the following: remembering Jose above scenario. *identify and describe three risk factors which influences behavior. It can be either biological or enviornmental. *discuss how each factor influence behavior. For each factor chosen, think about how this could have affected the child. What impact has it made of his behavior?
* analyze strategies teachers may use to support the process of changing or replacing behaviors. How can the educator support the child? Brainstorm ideas to involve the parents in the behavior modification process.

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