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George Stein sat in his large office overlooking Chicago’s Michigan Avenue

George Stein sat in his large office overlooking Chicago’s Michigan Avenue

George Stein sat in his large office overlooking Chicago’s Michigan Avenue. As CEO of Gold Coast Advertising, he seemed to always be confronted with one problem or another. Today was no exception. George had just come out of a long meeting with Jim Gerard, head of the board for the small advertising agency. Jim was concerned about a growing problem with lowered sales expectations and a decreasing customer base. Jim warned George that something had to be done quickly or Jim would have to go to the board for action. George acknowledged that sales were down but attributed this to general economic conditions. He assured Jim that the problems would be addressed immediately.As George pondered his next course of action, he admitted to himself that the customer base of GCA was slowly decreasing. The agency did not quite understand the reason for this decrease. Many regular customers were not coming back, and the rate of new customers seemed to be slowly declining. GCA’s competitors seemed to be doing well. George did not understand the problem.What Do Customers Want? GCA was a Chicago- based advertising agency that developed campaigns and promotions for small and medium- sized firms. Its expertise was in the retail area, but it worked with a wide range of firms from the food service industry to the medical field. GCA competed on price and speed of product development. Advertising in the retail area was competitive, and price had always been important. Also, since retail fashions change rapidly, speed in advertising development was thought to be critical.George reminded himself that price and speed had always been what customers wanted. Now he felt confused that he really didn’t know his customers. This was just another crisis that would pass, he told himself. But he needed to deal with it immediately.Case Questions1. What is wrong with how Gold Coast Advertising measures its quality? Explain why Gold Coast should ask its customers about how they define quality.2. Offer suggestions to George Stein on ways of identifying quality dimensions GCA’s customers consider important.3. Develop a short questionnaire to be filled out by GCA’s customers that evaluates how customers define quality.

In the dynamic world we live in, it is becoming increasingly difficult for students to balance academics, co-curricular activities and entertainment among others. Students are required to submit countless assignments in a short time frame. All assignments should be taken seriously, as they form a major part of the grade at the end of your course. Understanding the value of education and how these grades are important to students, Nurse Papers has made it its mission in life to offer customized essays to students at an affordable cost.

There are many reasons why you should order a paper with Nurse Papers. We have reliable writers who are also very competent. They have over the years managed to work under tight schedules and deadlines. Whenever you order an essay with Nurse Papers, you are guaranteed a fast turnaround of your project and this is done on time. Other than writing custom papers, our writers provide value added services that include academic assistance in the areas that they have specialized in.

We ensure that the work that we offer is free of plagiarism. Nurse Papers does not condone plagiarism in whatsoever manner. Our writers are very experienced and can handle of sorts of formats such as Turabian, Chicago, Harvard as well as APA and MLA. Nurse Papers specializes in writing nursing papers. We understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality when dealing with our clients. It is for this reason that we will never reveal the identity of our clients to whoever may be interested. Finally, we offer the most competitive rates in the industry.

Whenever you want to make an order with us, you will use our automated online ordering system. If you are having some difficulties of any sort, feel free to contact our live support and they will be more than happy to assist you. Ensure that you fill all the relevant information regarding your order. This is the area where you have to include the deadline of your assignment, the formatting style to be used and even the kind of academic paper you desire. The more information you give to our writers, the better.

Brief explanations of how our services work

  1. Provide us with the necessary instructions. Go to the Order Now page and click the order now button. This is the part where you have to attach all the relevant attachments. At the same time, remember to add the instructions sheet here. Once you are sure that you have submitted all relevant information, please submit the final draft to us.
  2. The second step will involve paying for the services. This is where an invoice will be sent to you. However, the easiest process is clicking the payment link and following all the prompts that come along. At the moment, all payments are made through PayPal only.
  3. Working on your paper. Once you have made the payment, we will assign the order to a writer who will follow the instructions. Remember that our writers will spend countless hour laboring to ensure that the work they provide is meticulously researched.
  4. Download your paper. When the writer is finished with the assignment, they will submit it to our writers who will then go through the paper to ensure that the paper has followed all instructions and there are no grammatical errors. We will then forward a copy of the assignment to your email.
  5. Tell your friends. We always happy to receive a referral. Whenever a friend tells us that you recommended our services to them, we will give you a 40 percent discount for your next order.

When you provide us with all the necessary details, we will forward them to qualified writers who will handle the assignment for you. Remember that the writers will begin working on the assignment immediately. This is the sole reason we encourage our clients to provide their exact specifications during the first time.

Tackling an order may be challenging but we always offer the best. Before the assignment can be passed to you by our writers, it will be passed through a team of qualified editors and proofreaders to ensure that the paper is accurate and of the required quality. Once the editors are satisfied with the assignment, they will forward the assignment to your account and a copy to your email.


We offer the best prices in the industry. We currently have a 20 percent discount for all of our customers. If you feel, the budget is putting a strain on your budget contact our live support and they might consider you case. We treat each case differently. Remember that our main goal is to continue with education transformation. Currently we are only accept payments in form of PayPal.

Why Choose Us?

While there are many companies in the writing service industry claiming to offer platinum services, none can match the services offered by Nurse Papers. Some of our writers have been with us since 2010. The testimonials that have been written by some of our happy customers is an indication of the good services that we offer.

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Our Service Charter

1. Professional & Expert Writers: Topnotch Essay only hires the best. Our writers are specially selected and recruited, after which they undergo further training to perfect their skills for specialization purposes. Moreover, our writers are holders of masters and Ph.D. degrees. They have impressive academic records, besides being native English speakers.

2. Top Quality Papers: Our customers are always guaranteed of papers that exceed their expectations. All our writers have +5 years of experience. This implies that all papers are written by individuals who are experts in their fields. In addition, the quality team reviews all the papers before sending them to the customers.

3. Plagiarism-Free Papers: All papers provided by Topnotch Essay are written from scratch. Appropriate referencing and citation of key information are followed. Plagiarism checkers are used by the Quality assurance team and our editors just to double-check that there are no instances of plagiarism.

4. Timely Delivery: Time wasted is equivalent to a failed dedication and commitment. Topnotch Essay is known for timely delivery of any pending customer orders. Customers are well informed of the progress of their papers to ensure they keep track of what the writer is providing before the final draft is sent for grading.

5. Affordable Prices: Our prices are fairly structured to fit in all groups. Any customer willing to place their assignments with us can do so at very affordable prices. In addition, our customers enjoy regular discounts and bonuses.

6. 24/7 Customer Support: At Topnotch Essay, we have put in place a team of experts who answer to all customer inquiries promptly. The best part is the ever-availability of the team. Customers can make inquiries anytime.