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Over the past few weeks, you have been learning about technology and productivity skills. Think back to the career field and position you described in the Week 5 reflection. Then, write 5 short paragraphs (or 1 short paragraph for each) in response to the following:Restate the job position from Week 5 that you are interested in obtaining.Discuss two ways your technology skills could help you obtain or be successful in the position. Give an example.Discuss two ways your productivity skills could help you obtain or be successful in the position. Give an example.Identify one aspect of either your technology or productivity skills that you would like to improve to become even better equipped for success in your desired position. Give an example.Describe a strategy or find a resource that will help you make that improvement. Give an example.
Ishmael Barrett
1. Describe a position within that field you would like to obtain.
I’d like to be a boss. My function is to convey organizational needs, supervise the performance
of employees, provide direction, encouragement, identify needs for growth, and manage the
mutual relationship between employees and the organization so that everyone is effective.
2. Discuss two ways yourself or social awareness skill could help you obtain or be successful in
the position.
It helps to determine what you can do to get better by getting an accurate understanding of
who you are. Self-awareness can also show a void in the abilities that you want to focus on.
Knowing your talents and shortcomings. Self-awareness helps you take advantage of your
abilities and deal with your shortcomings.
3.Discuss two ways your communication skills could help you obtain or be successful.
Communication impacts the performance of the business as my communication plays a vital
role in attempts to increase productivity, consistency, responsiveness, and creativity. As my
career grows and you reach stronger transparency roles and the organization’s leadership, the
collaboration will become a more visible and important aspect of daily work.
4. Identify one aspect of either yourself or social awareness or your communication skills that
you would like to improve to become even better equipped for success in your desired
I will work to understand the mechanism of communicating so that I can produce more
effective communications. Second, reduce disruptions, including not sending unwanted
messages, in the work environment.
5. Describe a strategy or find a source that will help you make that improvement.
I have to take an audience-centered approach, concentrating on the interests of my audience
and trying to ensure that my messages are communicated and answered effectively. Then finetune my leadership abilities in the organization (poor skills result from a lack of knowledge,
poor language skills, intimidation).
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