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CBM 200: Research Methods CW1: Research Proposal

CBM 200: Research Methods CW1: Research Proposal

Word Limit
3,500 words. The word count is to exclude the Cover Page, the Table of Contents, in-text references,
text associated with tables and graphs…etc.
Your Research Proposal must include all the following sections in the given order:
1. Abstract (approximately 100 words)
 Together with the Title, should convey the essence of the research, stated in a clear, precise,
accurate and appealing way, capturing the attention and interest from the reader.
2. Introduction (approximately 400 words)
 What is it all about? Or stating clearly the direction of the research.
• Central idea of the topic of investigation, purpose and aims of the research;
• Background to the study (contextual information, which may include a summary on how
the idea came up and the circumstances within which the research will occur);
• Why is it important to run this research?
• Structure of the present proposal
3. Literature Review (approximately 1200 words)
 What is already known about this topic?
• Demonstrating the necessary intellectual familiarity with the research field
▪ Relevant topics and key ideas, themes and terms in the area of study
▪ Theoretical framework
▪ Relevant research in the field of study
 Where the proposed research fits in?
• What is new about it?
• Providing rationale for research questions and methodological options – drawing your
conceptual framework
4. Methodology (approximately 1350 words)
 What do we want to find out, and how to get there?
• Research questions (and/or hypothesis), Aims and Objectives
• Philosophical assumptions, research approach to theory development, type of research
and justification for methodological choices
• Research design and strategies
• Sampling, if applicable, or people selection procedures
• Data collection and data analysis methods
 Resources and time planning (project management)
• Personal skills, travel, permissions, copies, software, translations, etc.
• Action plan, and timeline (identifying milestones and pre-requisites)
5. Ethical considerations (approximately 150 words)
 Assuring that the research is socially acceptable: What precautions and specific actions will
be taken to respect participant’s dignity, safety, freedom, privacy, confidentiality, and
scientific integrity?
6. Limitations and Outcomes (approximately 300 words)
 Possible benefits of the study (how useful can it be?)
 Limitations of the research (what the study cannot achieve)
7. References: Minimum 20 academic articles requirement.
List all references you used in your preparation of the Research Proposal including the
preliminary literature review. All references must follow the RGU Harvard referencing system.

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