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Business Ethics Task 2: Employees’ Rights and Responsibilities and Employer’s Ethical Responsibilities

Business Ethics Task 2: Employees’ Rights and Responsibilities and Employer’s Ethical Responsibilities

A1. Employees’ Rights and Responsibilities

Three examples of employee’s rights and responsibilities are reporting unsafe working environment, equal opportunity, and code of conduct compliance.

· Reporting Unsafe Working Environment: All employees are required to report any incident occurring at the workplace in which he/she believes is unsafe. It is just as important for an employee to report an unsafe environment at the workplace as it is for an employer to provide a safe environment. This will help assist in the prevention of any employee injury that could lead to serious harm and/or even death.

· Equal Opportunity: Employees are eligible for promotion and merit increases based on their expert skills regardless of age, sex, religion, race, etc. This is extremely important as it gives any employee the same opportunity for growth and advancement within the company based on their skills and not external appearances and beliefs.

· Code of Conduct: It is the responsibility of all employees to comply and follow the company’s code of conduct to the full extend as it is the company’s mission, vision, beliefs, and values in which it practices and follows.

A2. Employers’ Ethical Responsibilities

Two ethical responsibilities employers are faced to provide are as follows.

· The employer has the moral obligation to make business decisions considering the welfare of employees. The employer can implement policies that demonstrate concern towards the employees in which could impact he employer’s profitability.

· The employer has to provide its employees a working environment where the employee is protected from abuse of authority. An employer can implement a policy to protect its employees from being mistreated and/or bullied by leaders of organizations such as a boss and/or by a coworker.

A3. Ethical Business Dilemma

An ethical dilemma that can be discussed is the protection of Patient Privacy and Confidentiality. A very influential government identity’s medical record was left open at a nurses station displaying personal and medical information. A group of nurses took a picture at the desk next to the medical record and displayed the photo on social media. The staff did not realize they were violating any patient rights, as their intent was to take a group photo and did not realize the name of the patient was displaying on the medical record. The post circulated around social media and it became public knowledge, by assumption, that the government identity was in fact a patient at the hospital facility.

The actions performed were unethical as it violated the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality. The patient’s private information was available for all to see via social media by simply displaying the patient chart through a picture taken. This decision also violated the company’s policy, Cellular Usage and Social Media Postings at the Workplace, which indicates the use of cell phone device is prohibited during working hours. Any social media postings are also prohibited as indicated in the policy to prevent any violation of patient privacy and confidentiality.

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