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BE420 Leadership in Organisations Assignment 1 – Reflective Journal

BE420 Leadership in Organisations Assignment 1 – Reflective Journal

The reflective journal is worth 30% of the module mark and includes one question. It is an individual piece of work.


Write a reflective journal based on your own experiences and thoughts about leadership. You should draw on your learning during this module (e.g. academic readings, discussions, lectures, seminars etc), and on your own personal, work, or study experiences of leaders or leadership. Explain how you have developed you own views about leadership, and include critical reflection on your views, for example their limitations, biases, or how you hope to improve your views in future.

• Answers should be 900 to 1,000 words long (excluding references)
• The answer should take the form of a properly structured and signposted short essay.
• Deadline is available on FASER

Additional instructions

• Your assignment should be clearly written following academic conventions.
• Your assignment should contain a title page which should include the module name and code and your student registration number.
• You must word-process the assignment, using an MS Word or Adobe PDF compatible format, using font size 12pt and 1.5 lines spacing and including page numbers. Make sure you use the appropriate Harvard referencing system. If you’re unsure about how to reference, please contact our EBS Learning Support Team.
• The total word count can be 10% above or below the overall limit stated, references excluded.
• Remember that your work needs to be grounded in relevant academic literature. You can make reference to relevant journals and books available through the University Library.
• Keep the use of popular sources such as blogs, Wikipedia, discussion fora, and similar sites to the enrichment of context discussion. However, discussions on leadership concepts should be based on authoritative, peer-reviewed sources.
• Remember that material from the Worldwide Web must be referenced as any other source you use. Please remember to state when you last accessed these sites.
• All electronically submitted work will be checked for plagiarism.
• If you are in any doubt about these criteria and rules please ask the teaching team.

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