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20LLP111 – ‘Cloud Applications and Services’ Coursework

20LLP111 – ‘Cloud Applications and Services’ Coursework

In this coursework, you are asked to write a 1500-word technical report to:

Critically Analyse the Use of Cloud Applications & Services in ONE of the following areas:

[Digital Creative Media] | [Digital Commerce] | [Digital Finance] | [Digital Marketing] | [Digital Government] | [Digital Health] | [Digital Innovation]
In the report, you should:

• Provide a brief overview of your selected topic using a number of academic & professional resources, such as journal/conference publications, research magazines, books, technical web sites (20% of the coursework mark).
• Describe how different but relevant technologies (e.g., cloud processing & storage; digital media; big data; range of cloud applications & services; related data & user security/privacy issues; service & deployment models; cloud management, business models & use cases) are involved in the topic (40% of the coursework mark).
• Discuss the challenges, possible issues, pros & cons, and the future trends of the topic (30% of the coursework mark).
• Also, 10% of the marks are allocated for the presentation and clarity of your report.

Hints on report writing

At the beginning of your report, you should indicate the selected area with justifications. The report should be well structured, grammatically correct and fluent. To convey your ideas clearly, you can use suitable images, diagrams, tables, etc [but not directly copied from elsewhere] in moderation. When you use external resources, you should quote and reference them properly. The 1500-word limit is strict [excluding the references].
You should aim to provide the big picture about the topic and communicate your views clearly. The report should not be solely based on the content referenced externally. In the report, all of the relevant technologies related to the topic should be described in sufficient detail (including, the challenges, risks, their implications, potential remedies and relevant technologies that are or can be used). While elaborating on these, you can develop your ideas in more detail and explore future trends and applications related to the topic.

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